directional/signage elements of the design are filled with a coloured resin to stand out in the artwork. the original design had all the lettering done in this way, but we decided that it was important that signage for local places stood out at first glance of the artwork and that the larger names of places along the route were etched only.
© 2009 admin
walk this way
13 Nov
This entry was written by admin, posted on November 13, 2009 at 9:25 am, filed under Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.
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Older: etch-a-sketch
the etching process. this is the lower half of the ‘B’ from scarborough. clockwise from left: we requested the paving slabs have the top surface …
Newer: receiving a ticking off
the paving slabs were delivered before christmas but with the bad weather this has been our first opportunity to take a look at the etched …